Ellis decK The Moon

Can we hold the tension of our light and dark sides? The hands surrounding the moon brought this question to my mind. Ellis decK tarot.

The moon counters the clarity we think we have in sunlight. We’ve just seen the pink moon, now on the wane. Pink moons  are said to bring positive energy. Pink moons are so named because they are said to reflect the time of blossoming flowers and trees such as cherry blossoms,  “moss pink,” or phlox—one of the first spring flowers. more information on pink moon can be found here: http://tangledrootsherbal.com/blog/intuitive-meaning-of-a-full-pink-moon/2017/4/1    https://www.almanac.com/content/full-moon-april

The timing of this moon came at the same time I’ve been exploring the tarot at https://labyrinthos.co/. It’s a wonderful time to learn tarot. There are so many sites that provide information, resources and perspectives on divination.

Getting back to the moon. There are endless interpretations of this card. It is thought by some that the moon is about illusions, the things we can’t see at night that we see in the daytime. It is also understood to be about deception. Am I deceiving myself about something? Sure, it could be something I am not yet ready to face or know about myself. Perhaps we deceive when the psyche is unprepared to face something. Am I deceiving others?

I like to think of the moon as a reality check for the sun. What shadows do I need to be aware of in my life? Does the magnificent moon remind me that the sun’s glare can obscure the negative aspects of a situation? Do I need to acknowledge a situation or see it for what it is? Am I overly optimistic about my work? My abilities? My current situation?

The moon reminds that questioning will help me balance the optimism of the sun.  In this moon card I find perspective. I see inner and outer realities as beauty. There is wisdom in difference. We learn and grow and become whole from all aspects of the fool’s journey. The deceptions make us stronger if we take away the lessons they teach. We are more appreciative of the clarity we find.


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